ديسمبر 19, 2023
LYMPHOMA CAN BE CURED if diagnosed early & treated promptly

‘Health is Wealth‘, it is truly said for the human beings, we all know that cancer is the leading cause of mortality worldwide and becoming a significant health problem in Thailand as well, while the number of new cases continues to increase rapidly.
Lymphoma is the most commonly found cancer in Thai people which can occur at any age. It is a type of cancer involving cells of the immune system and it has spread throughout the body beyond the lymph nodes. However, lymphoma is most likely to be cured even stage IV if it is treated promptly.
What is Lymphoma?
A lymphoma is a group of blood cancers that develop from lymphocytes. The lymph system is made up mainly of immune system cells that help the body fight infections. As it is present in the bloodstream, it can spread throughout the body and most often spreads to the liver, bone marrow, or lungs.
There is no known cause in most cases of lymphoma. Some identified risk factors include infections that weaken the immune system such as HIV infection, an inherited disorder, or medications used in transplant patients.
Symptom Alert Checklist
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Fevers
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Night sweats
- Weight loss
- Itching
The doctor will do a physical exam, including a check for swollen lymph nodes. If they suspect that your lymph node is enlarged because of an infection or by the spread of cancer, a needle biopsy may be done first.
Diagnosis & Treatment
The treatment advised for each case depends on various factors such as the exact type and stage of the lymphoma, which includes radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and stem cell transplant
Please noted that lymphoma is very treatable. If you have signs or symptoms that suggest you might have lymphoma, it is important to see the doctor. They can help you find the right treatment for the type and stage of the illness.
مايو 18, 2023
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أبريل 26, 2023
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